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Family Falconry Encounter

Family Falconry Encounter

Description: Let's face it, there are only so many times that the kids are going to get excited when parents say 'Let's go to the cinema!' or 'Let's go to the museum!'. It's time to try something completely different - a trip to North Yorkshire's premier falconry venue, to meet some birds of prey up close. This experience includes the opportunity for everyone to handle four different birds of prey, from an eagle owl to a falcon, and find out what makes a hawk a hawk, a falcon a falcon and an owl an owl. Once you're comfortable with the birds, you'll have the chance to fly some of them - there's nothing quite like the feeling you get when a top predator swoops in to land on your glove. You'll also go for hawk walk, where you'll learn some more about the basics of falconry. And why not take the opportunity to ask your knowledgeable and friendly falconer some questions and have your pictures taken with the birds too. A light lunch for all ba...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 145.00
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List Details

Experiences list
Creation Date : 12 Jun 2009
Event Date : Not Set

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Llama Trek for Two
Llama Trek for Four
Fish and Seafood Masterclass
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Seasonal Dinner Party Entertaining
Introduction to Bread Making
Kids Snowboarding for Two
Kids Kayaking
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Kids Kayaking for Four
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'Les Miserables' Kids' Club and Tickets for Adult and Child
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Tea Tasting and Blending with Alex Probyn - Master Tea Blender
Tea Tasting and Blending for Two with Alex Probyn - Master Tea Blender
Tea Tasting and Blending for Four with Alex Probyn - Master Tea Blender
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Whisky Tasting Masterclass for Two
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York Hamper
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