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Mama Tens Maternity Kit

Mama Tens Maternity Kit

Description: MamaTENS allows you to experience a mobile, drug-free labour, with personal control over your pain relief. MamaTENS is a TENS machine specifically for labour pain. TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) delivers tiny ,safe, electrical signals through conductive pads to stimulate the nerves under your skin. These signals act in two ways: They block the transmission of pain signals travelling in nearby nerves, stopping them going through the spinal cord to the brain, and they send their own message to the brain, triggering the release of endorphin - the bodys own natural painkiller. Features Recommended by Midwives 15 Intensity control steps "Comfort Strength Control" maintains a constant output and avoids unpleasant changes. Tiny steps in strength give smooth, comfortable control Unique RAMP feature, allowing you to quickly increase the strength up to the level you want as each contraction starts.
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 69.50
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Similar Items to Mama Tens Maternity Kit - The price of the mama tens maternity kit is £69.5. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to mama tens maternity kit added by our members that you might be interested in.
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