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DVD Waybuloo - Adventures In Nara

DVD Waybuloo - Adventures In Nara

Description: Waybuloo is like nothing children have ever seen before, the fun TV series transports children into a magical land called Nara - a real world, which is inhabited by four adorable animated characters called Piplings. Taking a completely original approach, Waybuloo focuses on children's feelings, and the Piplings each embody a range of emotions, Jojojo the monkey-like Pipling represents happiness, the rabbit-like Pipling Lau Lau represents imagination, De Li is kitten-like and represents love and Nok Tok is the bear-like Pipling who represents wisdom.When a Pipling is truly happy, does something good, or makes someone feel better they achieve  a warm feeling of emotional harmony that is experienced by Piplings as floating. So Waybuloo is a journey to happiness - floating, spinning, dancing and soaring above the clouds of Nara. The unique world of Waybuloo helps young children develop their social and emotional learning.
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 9.99
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