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Description: Wouldn’t it be great if you could keep leftovers as fresh and delicious as the day they were cooked? Or enjoy crisp, seasonal vegetables, no matter what time of year? Well, thanks to Seal-a-Meal, you can, and food waste will become a distant memory. By extracting all the air and keeping the freshness locked in, leftovers and just-bought food can be kept as fresh as the day they are stored, without fear of freezer burn, and in a fraction of the space a box would take up.It’s a real time-saver, and so versatile too; you can prepare meals in advance, freeze in Seal-a-Meal bags and then microwave or boil for easy reheating. As well as preserving the nutritional value of fruit and veg, it will even marinade in minutes rather than hours. It’s simple to use – once your food is in the bag, just put the open end into the machine and press the button and Seal-a-Meal will suck out all the air and seal it too. Three 950ml bags incl.
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 34.99
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Similar Items to Seal-a-Meal® - The price of the seal-a-meal® is £34.99. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to seal-a-meal® added by our members that you might be interested in.
Amazon is generally a good place to compare prices and often has the best value when you take into account postage and packing. If you would like to check if Seal-a-Meal® is available and how much it would cost, use the search link below:
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