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Window Mirror

Window Mirror

Description: Our popular window mirrors are made from reclaimed antique solid high grade pine window frames. Each frame is delicatly restored by gently removing years of painted layers to reveal the natural wood beneath which is then treated using our own nourishing "Bees to Trees" natural wood wax made with bees wax and essencial oils which is as kind to you as it is to wood. Our home made wax brings out the natural golden sheen of wood. The original fixtures and fittings are carfully removed and also restored before they are put back into place.Due to the nature of reclaiming our window mirrors come in all styles and sizes.They are designed and fitted to be wall mounted indoors and are an original way of creating the illusion of space indoors and look fabulous too!  Size (approx):Small: 25 x 4 x 35cmMedium: 30 x 4 x 50 cmLarge: 60 x 4 x 70 cm
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 89.00
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