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Ultimate Sky Rides for Three

Ultimate Sky Rides for Three

Description: Can't decide between Human Cannon or Bird Man? Ok then, why not experience both amazing Sky Rides together? The three of you will take an amazing, thrill-seeking ride into the sky with a trip on the Skyscreamer. Accelerating to over 90mph in less than two seconds your adrenaline will pump as you feel the force of an incredible five Gs whilst you're catapulted skywards. After the astonishing burst of speed, the specially designed Skyscreamer cage you're secured in will roll forwards and backwards through 360 degrees. Safely back on the ground you've just time to catch your breath before it's time to fly like a bird on the Skycoaster. You're all winched up and then dropped from a height of 120 feet, enjoying a massive 15 feet of freefall before tension kicks in and the vast swing sweeps you round just six feet above the ground at 80mph! Even with your feet back on terra firma, we defy your hearts not to be truly pounding. As memento of your insanity you'l...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 97.00
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Similar Items to Ultimate Sky Rides for Three - The price of the ultimate sky rides for three is £97. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to ultimate sky rides for three added by our members that you might be interested in.
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